How to Unclog Blocked Drains to Keep Your Home Sanitary

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Blocked drains are a serious concern for any household. Not only do they cause unpleasant odors and present a hygiene risk, but they can also be the sign of more serious plumbing problems. Fortunately, with some simple solutions and the right information, you can quickly get your drains flowing freely again. Here we have collected information from professional plumbers to help you understand the common causes of blocked drains, as well as remedies that can restore your plumbing back to normal.more information

Common Causes of Blocked Drains

Finding out what is causing your drain to become blocked is an important step in bringing it back to working order. Some of the most common culprits include:

  • Grease, fat and oil
  • Hair and debris
  • Tree roots
  • Soap scum
  • Foreign objects such as toys or jewelry

These substances can accumulate over time and create an obstruction that prevents water from draining away. It’s important to try to identify the cause of the blockage before attempting to unclog it, as this will ensure you are using the correct method.

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DIY Solutions to Unclog Blocked Drains

If the problem seems minor, there are a few simple DIY solutions you can attempt at home to unblock your drains. These include:

  • Boiling water – pouring a pot of boiling water down your drain can help to shift hair and grease build-ups.
  • Vinegar and baking soda– combining these two ingredients creates a reaction that can help to loosen any blockages. Let it sit for around 30 minutes before flushing with hot water.
  • Baking soda and salt – adding 1/2 cup of baking soda followed by 1/2 cup of salt and then flushing with boiling water can help to clear some blockages.
  • Caustic soda – this substance can be dangerous to use but can be effective for clearing stubborn blockages.

It’s worth trying these methods before calling in professional help, as they can often do the trick without you having to pay for expensive plumbing services.

When to Call in Expert Plumbers?

Sometimes the blockage is too severe to fix with a DIY remedy. If the water level in the basin is rising rapidly or the water in your shower is not going down the drain, then it may be time to call in the experts. A professional plumber will be able to quickly diagnose the problem and provide an appropriate solution. They may use specialist equipment such as CCTV cameras or electric drain snakes to clear the blockage and, if necessary, repair any damage to the pipes.

It’s important to remember that sometimes the symptoms of a blocked drain can be indicative of a deeper plumbing problem. If left unchecked, this could cause extensive damage to your property and cost thousands in repairs. That’s why it’s a good idea to call in a professional as soon as a blockage occurs, as they can make sure any potential issues are identified and dealt with swiftly.


Blocked drains are a common problem in homes, but the good news is that they can usually be remedied with simple solutions. However, if the issue persists it’s a good idea to call in a professional plumber, who can investigate the cause and make sure any underlying problems don’t continue to cause further damage. For more information on blocked drains, contact your local specialists today.

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