Clearing Blocked Drains and Toilets in Gravesend

blocked drains gravesend

The phrase “blocked drains gravesend ” is a common search term for people who live around the area of Gravesend. This is because in this particular area there is a huge issue concerning blocked drains, toilets, and other plumbing problems. This is usually caused by either foreign objects being flushed down the toilet or dirt and rust build-up over time.

blocked drains gravesend

What Causes Blocked Drains?

Blocked drains can be caused by a variety of factors, including tree roots growing into the pipe work, foreign objects such as toys, nappies, sanitary products, fat, grease and hair that have been flushed down the drain, as well as general wear and tear. In some cases, build-ups of dirt and rust can also block drains.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Blocked Drains

It is important to take steps to minimize the chances of blocked drains by regularly cleaning drains, sinks and toilets. You should avoid flushing anything down the toilet other than human waste and toilet tissue, as foreign objects can lead to major blockages. Additionally, you should avoid putting fat, oil and grease down the sink and dispose of it in the bin. You should also avoid planting trees too close to drain pipes, as they can cause serious blockages if their root growth becomes too intrusive. If you can take these preventative measures, you should greatly reduce the risk of your drains becoming blocked.

Signs of Blocked Drains

Slow draining water or water pooling in the sink, an unpleasant smell emanating from the drain, gurgling noises, several fixtures backing up at once or occasionally when running water, are all common signs that your drains are blocked and need to be cleared. If left untreated, blocked drains can become completely blocked and no water can pass through, leading to costly repairs, pungent smells and even flooding.

Clearing Blocked Drains in Gravesend

If you believe your drains may be blocked then it’s best to contact a professional plumber for assistance. A qualified professional will be able to locate the source of the blockage and use specialist equipment to safely remove it. Many times, drains can be cleared using solvents and a specialised ‘jetting’ tool to break up any obstructions. If required, a CCTV drain survey can be used to identify the precise location of the blockage.


Blocked drains can cause a lot of stress and inconvenience, but with the right knowledge and preventive measures you can greatly reduce your chances of suffers from them. If you are living in or near the Gravesend area and have noticed any of the signs mentioned, contact a professional plumbing service for help. They will be able to quickly and efficiently diagnose and fix the blockage, saving you time and money in the long run.

Blocked drains are a common plumbing problem that can quickly become a major issue. It can be caused by anything from grease and fat buildup, hair or foreign objects, to tree roots that have grown into the pipes. No matter the cause, blocked drains can quickly turn into a nightmare. With water no longer able to flow freely, toilets may start to overflow, bathtubs may be filled with water, and sinks may not be able to rinse correctly. If not addressed promptly, blocked drains can become a safety hazard due to the potential for flooding, as well as potentially cause permanent damage to plumbing and structural foundations.

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