What is the Cosmetology and Makeup Career?

TX Cosmetology Continuing Education

This short-lived profession provides practical and theoretical knowledge in order to deal with the beauty and health of the skin. The techniques for the correct care and treatment of the image of the people will be learned. Graduates can work together with other health professionals, in beauty centers or independently. The TX Cosmetology Continuing Education can help you out here.

The Profession

In the activity of care and treatment of the image are Cosmetology and Makeup as the most relevant specialties within the profession. Cosmetology takes care of the beauty and health of the skin, as well as the knowledge of the products that can be used to protect it.

TX Cosmetology Continuing Education

The purpose of this profession is to train students about the principles of human physiology and anatomy, the study of the complexion, and the methods for the care and application of the different personalized treatments for each type of skin. To achieve this goal, theoretical and practical subjects are taught that train the student about the materials and products used in the various procedures, together with the techniques necessary to develop in the general field of cosmetology.

The different course options found to address this study are courses, short courses or techniques in universities with official degrees and specializations that can last from months to 3 years.

A cosmetologist is trained to perform the following activities:

  • Analyze, experiment and develop cosmetic products
  • Cosmetically advise in various health centers
  • Perform functions that improve the appearance of the skin
  • Execute skin hygiene procedures with cosmetic products, chemicals and devices
  • Perform procedures related to manicure, pedicure and hair removal
  • Perform in the field of education

Within the discipline of Cosmetology, you can differentiate various specific branches linked to aesthetics, in which the student can specialize according to their preferences:

Facial and integral aesthetics: refers to care and treatments that improve the appearance of the face and the rest of the body

Body aesthetics: these are specialized massage treatments to maintain skin elasticity

Apparatology: use of electronic devices to intervene the skin, such as: press therapy, cavitation, phototherapy, and meso therapy

Cosmiatry: is the discipline that is responsible for the aesthetic care of healthy and diseased skin

Makeup: through different techniques and products people are intervened to achieve various objectives

Makeup is one of the specialties that have autonomy within the branch of Aesthetics. Within the offers you can find certified courses of various durations, being one year generally the longest.

In the course of makeup you learn the different techniques and styles to address the needs of each situation and person. Through makeup you can learn about the various forms and facial structures, as well as the characteristics of each skin. Professionals should have full knowledge of the products and work instruments, since there is a great variety and these are essential to carry out any task related to the activity.

Among the topics covered in the course, you can study subjects related to the correction, care and preparation of the skin, anatomy and various types of face, theory of color, light or dark technique, volumes, expressions and vanished, hairpiece application, bases and corrections, delineated and lipstick application.

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